More than you bargain for

Last week’s London Bullion Market Association (“LBMA”) courses on the loco London market and the LBMA’s Responsible Sourcing programme were well received.  The sessions are designed to give a thorough grounding in the topics at hand, and offer opportunities for participants to share their individual expertise. We gained bonus insights into recovering precious metals from waste water streams, and digital evolutions in investor products.

“The course was great, information was good and clear.”

“I thought the content was pitched at just the right level …. this really helped me piece all the elements together.”

“It was also great to see a diverse set of professions represented in the course — be it from mining companies, financial services, or banks.”

“it has been an excellent experience”

The next courses will all be virtual, with Responsible Sourcing on 23 September and Introduction to loco London running over two consecutive London afternoons, 29 & 30 October.  Follow the links to book your place.  To express interest in alternative dates or an in-person course, please get in touch via